Winter has arrived, but we are pushing on and making wonderful progress at Wirraglen with our first landscaping works kicking off.

Blue skies over most of May have allowed the construction team to continue the underground works in the northern sector with sewer and stormwater installations nearing completion. The sewer pump station wells have also been installed with backfilling underway.

Underground electrical works from Meringandan Road have now been completed bringing the 11 kVA line to the development.

Kerbs and footpaths in this northern sector are progressing well along with the construction of retaining walls to the eastern end of the site. We will also see further proof rolls of the sub grades later this month in anticipation of more asphalt in July.

You may notice in the video that most excitingly, the holes have been dug ready for the planting of our first 65 street trees next week in our southern sector. The first species to go in will be PYRUS nivalis (Yellow Pear), XANTHOSTEMON chrysanthus (Golden Penda) and WATERHOUSEA floribunda (Weeping Lilly Pilly). In total we have 308 street trees plus an additional 94 trees and 1616 shrubs and groundcovers to be planted in our open green spaces.